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JFrog Accessis the service that manages all aspects of authentication and authorization for allJFrogservices under the hood. It stores all users, groups, permissions and访问tokens generated by any connectedJFrogservice.

As part of the upgrade to the JFrog Platform, several changes were made to the permissions handled by Access. This document provides a detailed explanation of the permission migrations for the JFrog products in the JFrog Platform.

Page Contents

Permission Migration Per Product

JFrog Artifactory Migration

Permissions for Artifactory in Access did not change in the move from 6.x to 7.x.

JFrog Xray Migration


Previous Permission New Permission
“Admins” “old-xray-admins”.
“Global” The new permissions are created for each resource type (repo, build) on any resource.
  • If the “resources” permission contains repositories, a new permission will be created with the resource type “repo” including the repositories' names.
  • If the “resources” permission contains builds, a new permission will be created with the resource type “build” including the build's names.

The following Xray actions changed.

Old Action New Action Description
View_watch_issues read

Read performs the following actions:

  • Downloads artifacts andreads the metadata
  • Views and downloads build info artifacts from the artifactory-build-info a default repository and reads the corresponding build in the Builds page
  • Views and downloads Release Bundle artifacts from the relevant Release Bundle repository and reads the corresponding Release Bundles in the Distribution page
View_component read See above
manage_component mxm (manage_xray_metadata) Permission to trigger Xray scans on artifacts in repositories, creates and delete custom issues and license
manage_policies policy_manager role (user/group custom data) Permission to create , edit and view Policies
manage_watch_issues removed
view_reports removed

The Xray 2.0 Reports functionality was deprecated in 3.0.

The Xray 3.0 Reports, which are new a functionality,require new permissions.

admin policy_manager role + mxm + read Permission to create , edit and view Policies, triggers Xray scans + perform the read actions above

JFrog Distribution Migration

The following resource types changed in Distribution.

Old Resource Type New Resource Type
RELEASE_BUNDLES release_bundle

The following Distribution actions changed.

Old Action Action Description New Action
a admin "r", "w", "x", "d"
w write/create/edit “r”, “w”
d delete “r”, “d”
x distribute “r”, “x”
r read “r”

JFrog Mission Control Migration

All permissions have been deleted.


In cases of conflicts in the display name, an index (1,2...) will be added to the display name.

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