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Artifactory allows you to place properties on both artifacts and folders.Setting (and deleting) properties is supported by local repositories or local-cache repositories. While you cannot set or delete properties on virtual repositories, you can retrieve them.

You can assign properties from theUI, viaREST(see below), oron deployment, usingMatrix Parameters.还可以用于属性Control Artifacts Resolution

Properties aresearchableand can be combined with Smart Searches to search for items based on their properties and then manipulate all the items in the search result in one go.

Property Sets

You can define the collections of properties called 'Property Sets' in the user interface. In each property-set you can define properties and for each property specify whether the property is open, single-value or multi-value.

This impacts the user interface you see when setting a property value and when searching for property values. Using searchable properties in artifact management is a very powerful feature.

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Properties are for Guiding, not for Restricting
When you define a property-set with 'strongly-typed' property values, those values are used to provide an intuitive, guiding UI for tagging and locating items.

The actual value does not force a strong relationship to the original property-set's predefined values. This is by design, to not slow-down common repository operations and for keeping artifacts management simple by allowing properties to change and evolve freely over time, without worrying about breaking older property rules.

Properties are therefore a helpful and non-restrictive feature.

Creating a Property Set

To create a new property set, go toAdmin | Artifactory | General | Property Setsand clickNew

Add a Property Set Name, clickNewand add properties. The newly created property set will be available to use and add to a repository.

Assigning Property Sets to a Repository

To assign a property set to a repository which can then be selected from with the Artifact browser, go toAdministrationmodule |Repositoriesand select a repository.

In theAdvanced tab, select the property sets you would like to be available under this repository.

添加Property Sets to a Specific Repository

To add a property set to a specific repository, go toApplicationmodule |Artifactsand select a repository.

In theProperties tab, select the property sets you would like to add.

Attaching Properties via the UI

When selecting any item in the tree browser, you can view itsPropertiestab to view or edit the properties attached to the item.

You can edit the value of any property and clickSave

Attaching and Reading Properties via REST API

Properties are a special form of metadata and are stored on items just like any metadata - in XML form.

In fact, you can view properties not only from theArtifacts:Propertiestab, but also from theArtifacts:Metadatatab, in which you can examine properties as they are stored in XML form. The properties XML is using thepropertiesroot tag and has a very simple format.

You can setset、检索updateandremoveproperties from repository items via REST API, as you would do with any other XML-based metadata.

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