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JFrog Platform User Guide

JFrog Mission Control 3.x Documentation
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Mission Control provides different facilities that allow you to maintain and monitor your system.

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System Status

Mission Control displays your general system status as an icon on the ribbon. The green check mark indicates that there are there are no issues.

Failed service messages are displayed in the System Status with a red exclamation mark and a short description of the encountered problem.

The following table displays a sample list of failed service messages:

Service Problem Severity Potential Action


DB URL not configured in settings. ERROR

Check if the mission-control properties has the appropriate user and password set for PostgreSQL.

jfmc.db.username - username for mission control schema


jfis.db.username - username for insight server schema


jfex.db.username - username for executor schema

jfsc.db.username - username for scheduler schema

core_service Environment variable JFI_HOME_CORE is not set. Default value is used. WARNING No action is required. If the default values are not working consider updating this environment variable in Docker Compose or in
core_service Settings could not be retrieved or is empty. ERROR Check if the PostgreSQL service is running. If not, consider starting it.
executor_service Executor status check failed. ERROR
  • The Executor service is not able to communicate with the core service.
    Check if the Docker network set up allows communication between them
  • Executor service is not able to communicate with Elastic search service
    Check if the Docker network set up allows communication between them.
scheduler_service Scheduler is not active. ERROR

调度器和PostgreSQL无法连接。检查the user password set in the mission-control properties.