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JFrog Platform User Guide

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As a universal artifact repository, Artifactory not only supports all major packaging formats, it is also integrated with all major build tools and CI servers currently available. In addition, Artifactory is tightly integrated with additional JFrog products such asJFrog Bintray,JFrog Mission ControlandJFrog Xray.

Package Manager Integrations 解决工件through Artifactory and deploy build artifacts to repositories in Artifactory transparently with all common build tools likeMaven,Gradle,Ivy,npm,Docker,NuGetandPyPI.
CI System Plugins Deploy your build artifacts into Artifactory directly from industry standard CI servers such asJenkins,TeamCity,BambooandAzure EvOps/TFS.
JFrog Bintray Integrate with JFrog Bintray Universal Distribution for a fully automated software delivery pipeline, end-to-end.
JFrog Mission Control JFrog Mission Control provides universal repository management providing you with a centralized dashboard to manage all your enterprise Artifactory instance.
JFrog Xray JFrog Xray provides universal artifact analysis for software artifacts, and reveals a variety of issues at any stage of the software application lifecycle.

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