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This page describes the process to upgrade your Artifactory Enterprise HA cluster.

No down time

Since your cluster contains more than one node, you may complete the upgrade process without incurring any down time to the Artifactory service your organization is using.

Before You Begin

  1. Backup your system:As a precaution, before you begin the upgrade process, we strongly recommend performing a completeComplete System Backup.
  2. Backup your database
  3. Read through the process:The backup procedure may vary slightly depending on your current version and your installation type (ZIP, RPM, Debian or Docker). To familiarize yourself with the specific backup process that you should use, we recommend reading through all the steps of the process before you begin

Upgrading from 5.4.5 and below to 5.5 and above

In version 5.5, Artifactory's database underwent a schema change to accommodate SHA256 checksums. As a result, when upgrading from version 5.4.5 and below to version 5.5 and above, you need to follow one of the options described in thedetailed instructionsbelow.

Page Contents

The Upgrade Process

Upgrading Artifactory HA depends on which version you are starting from. Read the sections below carefully to make sure you complete the process correctly.

Upgrading From Versions Below 5.4.6

Artifactory 5.5 implements a database schema change to support SHA-256 checksums.If your current version is 5.4.6,you may proceed with the normal upgrade procedure described inUpgrading Stepsbelow.

If your current version is below 5.4.6, to accommodate this change, you may select one of the following two upgrade options:

  1. Two-phase, zero downtime
    In this option, you first need to upgrade your HA cluster to version 5.4.6. Once this upgrade is completed, you can then proceed to upgrade your HA cluster to version 5.5 and above. In both phases, you follow the normal upgrade procedure described in inUpgrading Stepsbelow.
  2. One phase with downtime
    In this upgrade option, your HA cluster will be down until you complete the upgrade for all nodes.This option requires you to execute the following preprocessing:
    • While the primary and all secondary nodes are up and running, add the following flag toartifactory.system.propertieson theprimary node:

      artifactory.upgrade.allowAnyUpgrade.forVersion= For example: artifactory.upgrade.allowAnyUpgrade.forVersion=5.5.0
    • 等到这个属性是同步哒tabase. You can verify that it has been synchronized by checking theartifactory.logfile in each of the secondary nodes. Your nodes should display a message that looks like this:

      [Node ID: some_node_id] detected remote modify for config ''

    • Now you can proceed with the normal upgrade procedure described in inUpgrading Stepsbelow.

      System will be down during this particular upgrade

      Normally, upgrading an enterprise HA cluster does not incur downtime. As you upgrade each node, the other nodes continue to provide service.

      In this particular scenario of upgrading from version 5.4.5 and below to version 5.5 and above in a single phase, once you upgrade your primary node, your cluster will be in an incoherent state and will not be able to provide service until all nodes in the cluster have been upgraded. You can expect to see many errors in the log file until the upgrade is complete.

      As a result, we recommend completely taking down the whole cluster (i.e. taking down all cluster nodes), and then following the upgrade procedure, bringing up each node as it is upgraded.

If you try upgrading directly to version 5.5 and abovewithoutfollowing one of these options, the upgrade will fail and the following message will be logged in theartifactory.logfile:
To upgrade your HA installation to this version, you first need to upgrade to version 5.4.6 which implements changes required to accommodate a database schema change.

Continue torecovering from an Attempt to Upgrade Directly to Version 5.5 and Above.

Upgrading Steps

Upgrading to the latest version is conducted in three phases:
  1. Upgrading the primary node
  2. Upgrading the secondary nodes
  3. Verifying the HA installation and configuration

Want to stop using NFS?

If you want to stop using a shared NFS once the upgrade procedure is complete(this is optional), please refer toMigrating Data from NFSto migrate to alternative storage.

Using the UI without sticky sessions during an upgrade

If you do not configure your HA cluster to enable sticky sessions, the UI will not work until you have completed upgrading the whole cluster. To learn about configuring sticky sessions for an HA cluster, please refer toSession Management.

Upgrading thePrimaryNode

  1. Remove the primary node from the load balancer, so all requests are directed to the secondary nodes. You may look at$ARTIFACTORY_NODE_HOME/logs/request.logand ARTIFACTORY_URL/api/tasks (search for "running") to ensure that Artifactory is completely inactive.
  2. Perform a graceful shutdown of the primary node. While the primary node is down, the load balancer should redirect all queries to the secondary nodes.
  3. Continue with the upgrade according to the instructions for your installation type.

    Upgrading from 3.x?

    If your current version is 3.5 or higher, you first need to upgrade to the latest version 4.x using theprocedure in this linkand then upgrade to 5.x.

    Upgrading Artifactory HA from a version below 3.5 to version 5.x directly is not supported. To upgrade to version 5.x, you first need to upgrade your system to v3.5+, and then upgrade again to the final version 4.x, and then finally to 5.x.

    ZIP Installation

    1. Unzip the Artifactory distribution archive.
    2. If you have not yet done so, perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation.
    3. If the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xmlhas been modified keep it in a temporary location.

    4. Backup files to a temporary location according to the conditions described below:
      1. In all cases, backup$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/artifactory.default
      2. If Artifactory is configured to work with a database that is not Derby, backup the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/lib/driver.
    5. Remove the following files and folders from your$ARTIFACTORY_HOMEfolder:
      • webapps/artifactory.war

      • webapps/access.war (this will only be present if your current version is 5.4.0 and above due to addition of theAccess Service)

      • tomcat
      • bin

      • misc

    6. Replace the removed files and folders with the corresponding ones from the new unzipped version.
    7. Any files that were stored in temporary locations should now be returned to their original location under the new installation.

      Running Artifactory as a ROOT application in Tomcat

      If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, before you proceed, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

      Version-specific Special Instructions

      To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

      Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

      From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

      …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

      Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

      In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

      Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

      From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

      Upgrading to version 6.3 and above

      From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate special characters following this upgrade, the following new attributes,relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]'were added for each Tomcat connector in the server.xml as shown in the example below:

    8. If you installed Artifactory as a service, you now need to run the service
      1. For a Linux service, browse to$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/binand execute the following commandas root:$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/ [USER [GROUP]]

      2. For Windows service, browse to %ARTIFACTORY_HOME%\bin. First uninstall the service by runninguninstallService.bat, then reinstall the service by runninginstallService.bat. You can now run the service through the Windows UI or as described inRunning Artifactory.

    Debian Installation

    1. Log in as root (or usesudo su -).
    2. If you have not yet done so, perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation
    3. Execute the following command:

      dpkg -i $jfrog-artifactory--6.y.z.deb
    Managing Configuration Files

    When upgrading aDebianinstallation the upgrade process overwrites the following set of configuration files:

    • config.xml
    • default
    • logback.xml
    • mimetypes.xml
    • All files underopt/jfrog/artifactory/misc
    • All files underopt/jfrog/artifactory/webapps

    If any of these files were modified, a backed up file will be created automatically with a notification in the upgrade log. If you need to restore the configuration changes you can restore them from the backup created.

    Running Artifactory as ROOT

    If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, before you proceed, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

    Version-specific Special Instructions

    To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

    Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

    From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

    …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

    Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

    In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

    Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

    From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

    Upgrading to version 6.3 and above

    From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upg


    Upgrading to version 6.14.0 and above

    From version 6.14.0, the systemd runs successfully. Prior to upgrading to this version perform the following steps:

    1. Stop Artifactory by running the following command.

    2. Ignore any errors that may arise, and allow it to run to disable the auto start by systemd.

      systemctl stop artifactory.service
    3. Kill any running Artifactory Java process that may still be running, using the following command:

      ps -ef | grep java | grep artifactory | grep tomcat
    4. Rename the existing /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default file to the new file location:

      export ARTIFACTORY_PID=/var/run/
    5. Run the new Debian installation

    6. Start Artifactory by running the following command:

      systemctl start artifactory.service

    确保所有的数据仍在工件ory following the upgrade to Pro (assuming you are using the default DB), please follow these steps:

    1. Perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation.
    2. Perform a backup of $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data folder.

    3. Delete the OSS installation.

      apt-get remove jfrog-artifactory-oss)
    4. Download and install the Pro package.

      dpkg -i $jfrog-artifactory-pro-.deb)
    5. Import the ‘data’ backup folder to the new installation location.

    6. Start Artifactory.


    Docker Installation

    In order to keep your data and configuration between versions, when upgrading the Artifactory Docker image, you need to use an external mounted volume as described underManaging Data Persistence.

    To upgrade the Artifactory Docker image, follow these steps:

    1. Stop the current container
    2. Start a container with the new version using same data and configuration
    3. Remove the old container

    The example below shows this process for upgrading Artifactory from v5.0.0 to v5.1.0.

    $ # Stop the currently running container $ docker stop artifactory-5.0.0 $ # Start a new container from the new version image $ docker run -d --name artifactory-5.1.0 --volumes-from=artifactory-5.0.0 -p 8081:8081 $ # Remove old container $ docker rm artifactory-5.0.0

    Once these commands have completed successfully, you would have the new version (5.1.0 in the above example) running with the data and configuration from the old version that was removed.

    Running Artifactory as ROOT

    If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

    Version-specific Special Instructions

    To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

    Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

    From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

    …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

    Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

    In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

    Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

    From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

    Upgrading from version 6.3 and above

    From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accomodate special characters following this upgrade, the following new attributes,relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]'were added for each Tomcat connector in the server.xml as shown in the example below:


    RPM Installation

    Make sure you are upgrading from v3.6 or above

    当运行RPM安装,你只能upgrade to v5.x if your current version is 3.6 or above. If necessary, first upgrade your current version to 3.6, and then upgrade to v5.x .

    If you try to upgrade a version below 3.6 usingrpm --forceyou may end up deleting all of your data.

    1. Download theArtifactory Pro RPM Installer.The latest version can be downloaded from theJFrog Downloads. Previous versions can be downloaded fromLegacy Downloads.
    2. Log in as root (or usesudo su -).
    3. If you have not yet done so, perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation
    4. Execute the following command:

      rpm -U jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z.rpm

      Switching from Artifactory OSS to Pro

      If you are just switching from Artifactory with the same version number, you need to append the command with --force --nodeps as follows:
      rpm -U jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z.rpm --force --nodeps

    During an upgrade of an RPM installation different files may get backed up, where the backup file is appended with either a.rpmorigor a.rpmnewextension.

    A.rpmorigextension means that the original file in your installation, the one that was there before performing the upgrade, was backed up before being replaced in the upgrade process.

    A.rpmnewextension means that the original file in your installation, wasnotreplaced in the upgrade, and instead, the new file with the same filename was backed up.

    In either case, Artifactory will display a message such as:

    warning: /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default saved as /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default.rpmorig

    In these cases we recommend comparing the file installed once the upgrade has been completed with the backed-up file to see which best fits your needs, and using that one in the final setup.

    If you make any changes, you may need to restart Artifactory for the change to be applied.

    Upgrading Using YUM

    An easy way to upgrade Artifactory from version 3.x or 4.x to the latest version is to use YUM with the Bintray Artifactory repository. The code snippets below show how to do this depending on whether your current version is below 3.6, or 3.6 and above.

    Upgrading an Artifactory HA cluster?

    If you are upgrading an Artifactory HA cluster, and you are running with a version that is older than version5.4.6, you should review the instructions onUpgrading an Enterprise HA Clusterprior to upgrading.

    curl -o bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo && sudo mv bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z

    To install the latest version of Artifactory, you can run:

    yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro
    curl -o bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo && sudo mv bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d yum upgrade artifactory yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z

    To install the latest version of Artifactory, you can run:

    yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro

    Running Artifactory as ROOT

    If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, before you proceed, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

    Version-specific Special Instructions

    To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

    Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

    From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

    …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

    Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

    In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

    Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

    From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

    Upgrading to version 6.3 and above

    From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accomodate special characters following this upgrade, the following new attributes,
    relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]'were added for each Tomcat connector in the server.xml as shown in the example below:


    Upgrading to version 6.14.0 and above

    From version 6.14.0, the systemd runs successfully. Prior to upgrading to this version perform the following steps:

    1. Stop Artifactory by running the following command.

    2. Ignore any errors that may arise, and allow it to run to disable the auto start by systemd.

      systemctl stop artifactory.service
    3. Kill any running Artifactory Java process that may still be running, using the following command:

      ps -ef | grep java | grep artifactory | grep tomcat
    4. Rename the existing /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default file to the new file location:

      export ARTIFACTORY_PID=/var/run/
    5. Run the new RPM installation

    6. Start Artifactory by running the following command:

      systemctl start artifactory.service

  4. Start up the primary node. When the primary node starts up, it will recognize that the HA cluster nodes are not all running the same version of Artifactory, and consequently, the system will be limited to allowing uploads and downloads.

    Any attempt to perform other actions such as changing the DB schema, modifying permissions, changing repository configuration and more, are strictly blocked. This limitation will continue until all the cluster nodes are once again running the same version.

    Version inconsistency generates exceptions

    Running the HA cluster nodes with different versions generates exceptions. These can be seen in the log files and reflect the temporary inconsistent state during the upgrade process. This is normal and should be ignored until all the cluster nodes are, once again, running the same version.

  5. Put the primary node back to the load balancer.

Upgrading the Secondary Node

Foreachsecondarynodein your HA cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the node from the load balancer, so all requests are directed to the other nodes. You may look at$ARTIFACTORY_NODE_HOME/logs/request.logand ARTIFACTORY_URL/api/tasks (search for "running") to ensure that Artifactory is completely inactive.
  2. Perform a graceful shutdown of the node. While the node is down, the load balancer should redirect all queries to the other nodes.

  3. Continue with the upgrade according to the instructions for your installation type.

    If your current version is 3.5 or higher, you first need to upgrade to the latest version 4.x using the following procedure and then upgrade to 5.x.

    Upgrading Artifactory HA from a version below 3.5 to version 5.x directly is not supported. To upgrade to version 5.x, you first need to upgrade your system to v3.5+, and then upgrade again to the final version 4.x, and then finally to 5.x.

    ZIP Installation

    1. Unzip the Artifactory distribution archive.
    2. If you have not yet done so, perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation.
    3. If the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xmlhas been modified keep it in a temporary location.

    4. Backup files to a temporary location according to the conditions described below:
      1. In all cases, backup$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/artifactory.default
      2. If Artifactory is configured to work with a database that is not Derby, backup the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/lib/driver.
    5. Remove the following files and folders from your$ARTIFACTORY_HOMEfolder:
      • webapps/artifactory.war

      • webapps/access.war (this will only be present if your current version is 5.4.0 and above due to addition of theAccess Service)

      • tomcat
      • bin

      • misc

    6. Replace the removed files and folders with the corresponding ones from the new unzipped version.
    7. Any files that were stored in temporary locations should now be returned to their original location under the new installation.

      Running Artifactory as a ROOT application in Tomcat

      If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, before you proceed, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

      Version-specific Special Instructions

      To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

      Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

      From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

      …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

      Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

      In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

      Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

      From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

      Upgrading to version 6.3 and above

      From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate special characters following this upgrade, the following new attributes,relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]'were added for each Tomcat connector in the server.xml as shown in the example below:

    8. If you installed Artifactory as a service, you now need to run the service
      1. For a Linux service, browse to$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/binand execute the following commandas root:$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/ [USER [GROUP]]

      2. For Windows service, browse to %ARTIFACTORY_HOME%\bin. First uninstall the service by runninguninstallService.bat, then reinstall the service by runninginstallService.bat. You can now run the service through the Windows UI or as described inRunning Artifactory.

    Debian Installation

    1. Log in as root (or usesudo su -).
    2. If you have not yet done so, perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation
    3. Execute the following command:

      dpkg -i $jfrog-artifactory--6.y.z.deb
    Managing Configuration Files

    When upgrading aDebianinstallation the upgrade process overwrites the following set of configuration files:

    • config.xml
    • default
    • logback.xml
    • mimetypes.xml
    • All files underopt/jfrog/artifactory/misc
    • All files underopt/jfrog/artifactory/webapps

    If any of these files were modified, a backed up file will be created automatically with a notification in the upgrade log. If you need to restore the configuration changes you can restore them from the backup created.

    Running Artifactory as ROOT

    If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, before you proceed, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

    Version-specific Special Instructions

    To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

    Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

    From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

    …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

    Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

    In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

    Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

    From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

    Upgrading to version 6.3 and above

    From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upg


    Upgrading to version 6.14.0 and above

    From version 6.14.0, the systemd runs successfully. Prior to upgrading to this version perform the following steps:

    1. Stop Artifactory by running the following command.

    2. Ignore any errors that may arise, and allow it to run to disable the auto start by systemd.

      systemctl stop artifactory.service
    3. Kill any running Artifactory Java process that may still be running, using the following command:

      ps -ef | grep java | grep artifactory | grep tomcat
    4. Rename the existing /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default file to the new file location:

      export ARTIFACTORY_PID=/var/run/
    5. Run the new Debian installation

    6. Start Artifactory by running the following command:

      systemctl start artifactory.service

    确保所有的数据仍在工件ory following the upgrade to Pro (assuming you are using the default DB), please follow these steps:

    1. Perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation.
    2. Perform a backup of $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data folder.

    3. Delete the OSS installation.

      apt-get remove jfrog-artifactory-oss)
    4. Download and install the Pro package.

      dpkg -i $jfrog-artifactory-pro-.deb)
    5. Import the ‘data’ backup folder to the new installation location.

    6. Start Artifactory.


    Docker Installation

    In order to keep your data and configuration between versions, when upgrading the Artifactory Docker image, you need to use an external mounted volume as described underManaging Data Persistence.

    To upgrade the Artifactory Docker image, follow these steps:

    1. Stop the current container
    2. Start a container with the new version using same data and configuration
    3. Remove the old container

    The example below shows this process for upgrading Artifactory from v5.0.0 to v5.1.0.

    $ # Stop the currently running container $ docker stop artifactory-5.0.0 $ # Start a new container from the new version image $ docker run -d --name artifactory-5.1.0 --volumes-from=artifactory-5.0.0 -p 8081:8081 $ # Remove old container $ docker rm artifactory-5.0.0

    Once these commands have completed successfully, you would have the new version (5.1.0 in the above example) running with the data and configuration from the old version that was removed.

    Running Artifactory as ROOT

    If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

    Version-specific Special Instructions

    To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

    Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

    From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

    …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

    Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

    In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

    Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

    From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

    Upgrading from version 6.3 and above

    From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accomodate special characters following this upgrade, the following new attributes,relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]'were added for each Tomcat connector in the server.xml as shown in the example below:


    RPM Installation

    Make sure you are upgrading from v3.6 or above

    当运行RPM安装,你只能upgrade to v5.x if your current version is 3.6 or above. If necessary, first upgrade your current version to 3.6, and then upgrade to v5.x .

    If you try to upgrade a version below 3.6 usingrpm --forceyou may end up deleting all of your data.

    1. Download theArtifactory Pro RPM Installer.The latest version can be downloaded from theJFrog Downloads. Previous versions can be downloaded fromLegacy Downloads.
    2. Log in as root (or usesudo su -).
    3. If you have not yet done so, perform a graceful shutdown of your currently running installation
    4. Execute the following command:

      rpm -U jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z.rpm

      Switching from Artifactory OSS to Pro

      If you are just switching from Artifactory with the same version number, you need to append the command with --force --nodeps as follows:
      rpm -U jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z.rpm --force --nodeps

    During an upgrade of an RPM installation different files may get backed up, where the backup file is appended with either a.rpmorigor a.rpmnewextension.

    A.rpmorigextension means that the original file in your installation, the one that was there before performing the upgrade, was backed up before being replaced in the upgrade process.

    A.rpmnewextension means that the original file in your installation, wasnotreplaced in the upgrade, and instead, the new file with the same filename was backed up.

    In either case, Artifactory will display a message such as:

    warning: /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default saved as /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default.rpmorig

    In these cases we recommend comparing the file installed once the upgrade has been completed with the backed-up file to see which best fits your needs, and using that one in the final setup.

    If you make any changes, you may need to restart Artifactory for the change to be applied.

    Upgrading Using YUM

    An easy way to upgrade Artifactory from version 3.x or 4.x to the latest version is to use YUM with the Bintray Artifactory repository. The code snippets below show how to do this depending on whether your current version is below 3.6, or 3.6 and above.

    Upgrading an Artifactory HA cluster?

    If you are upgrading an Artifactory HA cluster, and you are running with a version that is older than version5.4.6, you should review the instructions onUpgrading an Enterprise HA Clusterprior to upgrading.

    curl -o bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo && sudo mv bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z

    To install the latest version of Artifactory, you can run:

    yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro
    curl -o bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo && sudo mv bintray-jfrog-artifactory-pro-rpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d yum upgrade artifactory yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro-6.y.z

    To install the latest version of Artifactory, you can run:

    yum install jfrog-artifactory-pro

    Running Artifactory as ROOT

    If you have configured Artifactory to run as the ROOT application in Tomcat, before you proceed, you need to follow the steps described inthis Knowledge Base article.

    Version-specific Special Instructions

    To accommodate internal changes in Artifactory in different version upgrades, you need to perform or ensure certain changes to Artifactory's server.xml according to your target upgrade version. Note that the changes listed below are cumulative as the versions progress.

    Upgrading to version 5.4.0 and above

    From version 5.4.0, Artifactory's management of Access Tokens was moved to a separate service,JFrog Access, installed as a separate web application under the same Tomcat as Artifactory. This requires your Tomcat's server.xml to be configured to allow running 2 processes. If you are using a server.xml file from a previous installation, when returning it, make sure it is configured to allow2 start/stop threadsas shown below (see ):

    …<引擎名称=“卡特琳娜”defaultHost =“localhost">   ...

    Upgrading to version 5.6.1 and above

    In version 5.6.1, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accommodate YUM clients following this upgrade, a new attribute,sendReasonPhrasewas added foreachTomcat connector in the server.xml file as shown in the example below:

    Upgrading to version 5.7.0 and above

    From version 5.7.0, Artifactory routes requests to its Access service directly through a port, and this requires the following modification to the server.xml file

    Upgrading to version 6.3 and above

    From version 6.3, the version of the Tomcat embedded in Artifactory was upgraded. To accomodate special characters following this upgrade, the following new attributes,
    relaxedPathChars='[]' relaxedQueryChars='[]'were added for each Tomcat connector in the server.xml as shown in the example below:


    Upgrading to version 6.14.0 and above

    From version 6.14.0, the systemd runs successfully. Prior to upgrading to this version perform the following steps:

    1. Stop Artifactory by running the following command.

    2. Ignore any errors that may arise, and allow it to run to disable the auto start by systemd.

      systemctl stop artifactory.service
    3. Kill any running Artifactory Java process that may still be running, using the following command:

      ps -ef | grep java | grep artifactory | grep tomcat
    4. Rename the existing /etc/opt/jfrog/artifactory/default file to the new file location:

      export ARTIFACTORY_PID=/var/run/
    5. Run the new RPM installation

    6. Start Artifactory by running the following command:

      systemctl start artifactory.service

  4. Complete this step only when upgrading from 5.4.5 and below to 5.7 and above with 'One phase with downtime'
    Copy the Master Key from the primary node located under the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/security/master.keydirectory, to the secondary node under the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/security/master.keydirectory.
  5. Start up the secondary node.
  6. Add the secondary node back to the load balancer.
  7. Repeat this process for each secondary node.

Check your installation

After starting up each secondary node, we recommend inspecting, db.propertiesandbinarystore.xml files(under$ARTIFACTORY_NODE_HOME/etc)to ensure they are correctly configured

Verify the HA Installation and Configuration

Once you have completed upgrading your HA cluster, you can verify that your cluster has been installed and configured correctly use the following series of tests:

  1. Directly Access the Artifactory UI for the server you have just configured
  2. In theAdminmodule go toAdvanced | System Logsto view the log and verify that you see an entry forHA Node ID.
  3. The bottom of the module navigation bar should also indicate that you are running with an Enterprise license. In case of an error you will see an error message in the page header.
  4. Access Artifactory through your load balancer and log in asAdmin.
  5. In theAdminmodule go toConfiguration.There should be a section calledHigh Availability.When selected you should see a table with details on all the Artifactory nodes in your cluster as displayed below.

  6. In theAdminmodule underConfiguration | General,verify that theCustom URL Basefield is correctly configured to the URL of the Load Balancer.

Want to stop using NFS?

If you want to stop using a shared NFS once the upgrade procedure is complete(this is optional), please refer toMigrating Data from NFSto migrate to alternative storage.


Recovering from an Attempt to Upgrade Directly to Version 5.5 and Above

If you try to upgrade from version 5.4.5 and below to version 5.5 and above without following the procedure in one of the two options above, the upgrade will fail with the following message:

To upgrade your HA installation to this version, you first need to upgrade to version 5.4.6 which implements changes required to accommodate a database schema change.

Depending on your installation type, the message may be displayed in theartifactory.logfile, the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/logs/localhost.logfile or in the command line output.

To recover from this error and, you first need to replace your current version as describedbelow(according to your installation type).

Then you can proceed with upgrading to version 5.4.6 as required using thenormal upgrade procedure, and then on to your final desired version, also, using thenormal upgrade procedure.

Reinstalling Your Current Version

重新安装类似于你去th的过程rough when upgrading to your current version according to your installatian type.

For example, if you tried to upgrade from version 5.2 directly to version 5.5, you now need to reinstall version 5.2 and follow the instructions below, according to your installation type.

Zip Installation

Follow theupgrade instructions for a Zip installationusing your current version.

Debian Installation

Follow theupgrade instructions for a Debian installationusing your current version.

If your current version is below 5.4.0, make sure to remove the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/webapps/accessfolder. This folder is a remnant of the failed attempt to upgrade to version 5.5 and is not needed in versions previous to 5.4 where theAccess Serviceis bundled together with the Artifactory WAR.

Docker Installation

Follow theupgrade instructions for a Docker installationusing your current version.

RPM Installation

Follow theupgrade instructions for an RPM installationusing your current version.

If your current version is below 5.4.0, make sure to remove the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/tomcat/webapps/accessfolder. This folder is a remnant of the failed attempt to upgrade to version 5.5 and is not needed in versions previous to 5.4 where theAccess Serviceis bundled together with the Artifactory WAR.

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